Our new 817E Sennebogen makes light work of waste handling.
We have recently completed the purchase of an 817E Sennebogen compact waste handler to reinforce our existing waste handling fleet. At just over 17 tons gross weight, the machine is extremely stable even when at full stretch.
It is an agile and efficient solution to handling all types of waste, even in our relatively low ceiling sorting and storage sheds.
When put to work feeding a waste shredder, another of our recent acquisitions, it makes light work of reducing the bulk waste in a fraction of the time it previously took.
The true upside to having these innovative pieces of plant is that processing times are dramatically reduced, waste delivered into us is dealt with quicker which increases lorry turnaround which in turn increases the number of trips our clients can make to us daily.
Because all our waste is now shredded it has resulted in a zero waste to landfill as it now goes directly into a localised waste to energy plant.